My best anime endings - 大好きなアニメ EDs


それを見るたびに “好きだな” と思えるエンディングは、そのアニメを見ていた時間に余韻を与えてくれる。

僕の好きなエンディングをいくつかまとめてみたいと思った。そして今回は試験的にバイリンガル記事にもしてみた。HTML の i18n は無視して混合されているのは、許して。

I think the ending of an anime expresses the personality of its work very well.

The endings that I "love" every time I see them give me a lingering feeling of the time I spent watching that anime.

So, I just wanted to compile a list of some of my favorite endings. And this time, I also made this post a bilingual article on a trial basis; forgive the mixed language, which I ignored HTML i18n.

紹介用に YouTube を埋め込んでいるが、なるべくエンディングどおりのもので、ライセンサ付きまたは公式のものを探した。

I have embedded YouTube videos for the introductions, but I tried to find videos as close to the ending as possible, with licensor ones or official ones.

しっとり編 - Modest endings


No matter how caustic or sad the scenario, the best endings are modest ones that elevate the time spent watching it to a time of healing.

Darker Than Black #season-1

アクションものなんだけど、このエンディングである。銀 (イン) が静かに佇んでいるだけ。最高だ。

This is an action anime, but the ending is you see. Just Yin sits there quietly. It's great.

Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha

ロード・エルメロイ Ⅱ 世の事件簿 (The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II)

このエンディングは大好きな梶浦由記の作曲。Fate シリーズにしてはアクションが少ない異色作で、僕は好きだ。

My favorite composer, Yuki Kajiura, composed the ending, and it is a unique anime with little action for the Fate series, which I like.

Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note

魔法使いの嫁 #season-1 (The Ancient Magus' Bride)


I love this one too. Every time I watch its episode, it takes me to a deep afterglow. It's no exaggeration to say that I watched the anime for only this ending.

Mahoutsukai no Yome


ラーゼフォンいいよね。オープニングテーマ曲の “ヘミソフィア” はちょっとしたブームになったが、エンディングこそ最高だと気づいたのはそれから年月を経て、僕が大人になってからだった。

RahXephon is great. The opening theme song, "Hemisphere," was a bit of a craze, but it wasn't until many years later, when I was an adult, that I realized that the ending was the best.


爽快編 - Exhilarating endings


Life needs endings that lighten the mood even when things are tough.



This starting the ending is great, and it makes me change my feelings in an instant.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

HUNTER × HUNTER (2011) 5th


Probably must be listed as a god ending, this one!

Hunter x Hunter (2011)



Hah, this is great too. It's the most refreshing feeling.




This is the same series as Steins;Gate, but it is an anime that I don't hear much about its popularity. The anime has horror elements and is rather scary, but the scenario changes at high speed, and at the end, it always runs through with this ending.


かわいい編 - Kawaii endings


Sometimes I want the cuteness that I can only find in anime.

氷菓 (Hyouka)


Basically, I like Kyoani's animes because I can relate to them. The ending animation of Hyouka makes me want to watch the next episode, although I honestly don't understand how it relates to the artwork.


五等分の花嫁 (The Quintessential Quintuplets)


This is addictive, right?

5-toubun no Hanayome

青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai)


This anime combines a mysteriousness that is not apparent from the title. It's addictive, too.

Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai

その他 - Omake

Shadows House


I liked the first half of the episodes, but I love the ending of this anime.

Shadows House

新世界より (From the New World)


The goodness of the ending is more noticeable than the anime itself, but I'm slowly watching it, so I haven't actually watched it until the end.

Shinsekai yori

おしまい - Bye

本当は “しっとり編” だけ書きたくて始めたんだけど、好きなエンディングって色々あるなっていうことに気づいたときにはリストが増えてた。みんなの好きなエンディングも 教えて ね。

Actually, I started out wanting to write only the "modest ones," but the list grew when I realized that there are many different endings that I like. Please let me know your favorite anime endings!